Supporting Community Development Initiatives
Small Community Development Projects: The target group under this Grant Scheme are citizens of respective municipalities which will be using the services/goods deriving from these initiatives.
5 of such projects/initiatives which will derive as a partnership between communities, civil society organizations and municipalities, will be implemented after a competitive process.
It is anticipated that approximately 500 families will be benefiting from these projects.
During September, Socio Project 2 team started with implementation of 5th Component: “Small Community Development Projects”. Overall objective of this initiative is to support small community projects that will improve the quality of citizens’ life and their living standards. The application and competition process began on September 8th and ended on September 12th, 2021 with a 5-day training in the city of Struga.
Participants were teams consisting of Municipal Officials, Civil Society and Communities of partner municipalities, in total 36 of them. Participants were accompanied by 2 Project staff members.
During the training, competing municipalities had the opportunity to present their project ideas and to evaluate projects of other municipalities participating in this Call.
Present in training were representatives from the all 12 municipalities. Out of twelve (12) present municipalities, only six (6) had an opportunity to apply and compete during the training. Other municipalities contributed with know-how and transfer of their experience in particular components.
Out of six municipalities, five of them directly participated in the Call. Municipality of Gjakova couldn’t participate because of the lack of funds, needed for co-financing.
Municipalities which were successful in applying were: Rahovec (Equipping the nursing home with the necessary equipment),Vushtrri (Creating pleasant environments for children in public kindergartens) Kamenica (Equipment, Inventory and renovation of two kindergartens), Mamusha (Renovation of the Park and Regulation of the agricultural road) and Prizren (Equipping the Technology Cabinet with Computer and Smartboard).