On Monday – the 21st of December 2020, the Socio-Project Team has organized the Kick-off Conference of the Project called “Further stabilization of Kosovo minority and majority communities in Kosovo through enhanced socio – economic support”. Also known as the “Socio – Project 2”, this project is an initiative funded by Engagement Global, on behalf of German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ and is being implemented by Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development – PREDA Plus Kosovo in partnership WEntrepreneur Kosovo and with the support of Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB, Cologne, Germany. Considering the situation caused by the COVID-19, the Project has decided to limit the number of participants by only inviting the direct beneficiaries – in accordance with the activity application periods.During this Conference, the Project was described in detail by the Project Officials – Mr. Valentin Hoxha, and Mr. Fatos Raifi. The highlights of this presentation include the components and prescribed activities of the Project, as well as the Project’s geographical layout which consists of 6 new beneficiary Municipalities. This event was attended by around 40 participants consisting of representatives of associations, partnering organizations, entrepreneurs, as well as representatives of civil society. Part of this Conference was dedicated to the beneficiary entrepreneurs, during which they were announced about what is expected of them and their responsibilities regarding the components which support businesses. The Project plans to soon organize other events that include partners, stakeholders, and beneficiaries.
On Thursday, January 21, 2021, Socio-Project 2, organized the Municipal Info Session, on which it presented the upcoming Grant Scheme “Women in Business and Young Entrepreneurs”. Participants in the session were municipal officials representing municipalities whose citizens are eligible to apply under this Scheme. During the session, municipal representatives had an opportunity to learn first-hand on type of support, sectors, eligibility criteria and timeframe. Municipal officials provided valuable comments which were taken into account and included in the Guidelines for Application. The Grant Scheme is being launched on January 25, 2021 and it will be open until February 4, 2021 – 16:00.

Me datë 26 Maj, 2022 është mbajtur Konferenca Vjetore e Projektit “Stabilizimi i mëtejm i komuniteteve pakicë dhe shumicë në Kosovë përmes mbështetjes së shtuar socio-ekonomike”.
Qëllimi i kësaj konference ishte prezantimi i të arriturave të Projektit, i cili është zbatuar nga Fondacioni për Zhvillim të Qëndrueshëm Ekonomik – PREDA Plus Kosova në partneritet me WEntrepreneur Kosovë dhe me mbështetjen e Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB. Ky projekt ka filluar së zbatuari me 1 Nëntor 2020 dhe përfundon me 31 Dhjetor 2022, i financuar nga Ministria Federale Gjermane për Bashkëpunim Ekonomik dhe Zhvillim.
Projekti ka arritur të realizojë në kohë dhe me sukses aktivitete të cilat kanë mundësuar përmbushjen e objektivave të planifikuara. Realizmi i këtyre objektivave nuk do të ishte i mundur pa bashkëpunimin e Komunave partnere.
Drejtori i Projektit Z.Valentin Hoxha, në fjalimin e tij të mbajtur para Kryetarëve dhe Nënkryetarëve të Komunave, Zyrtarëve Komunal, përfituesëve dhe para të pranishmëve të tjerë, shprehu falenderim për Komunat partnere për bashkëpunimin e deri tanishëm dhe theksoi rëndësinë e madhe që ka përkrahja që ju ofrohet qytetarëve.
Gjatë kësaj ngjarjeje, u nënshkruan edhe kontratat me 44 gra përfituese, në kuadër të Thirrjes për Grante: “Gratë në biznes” si dhe u diskutua rreth bashkëpunimit të mëtutjeshëm mes përfituesve, partnerëve dhe hisedarëve të Projektit tonë.
Në këtë konferencë pjesëmarrës ishin 70 persona.
On May 26, 2022, the Annual Conference of the Project “Further Stabilization of Minority and Majority Communities in Kosovo through Increased Socio-Economic Support” was held.
The purpose of this conference was to present the achievements of the Project, which was implemented by the Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development – PREDA Plus Kosovo in partnership with WEntrepreneur Kosovo and with the support of Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB. This project started on 1 November 2020 and ends on 31 December 2022, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The project has managed to implement in time and successfully activities which have enabled the fulfilment of the planned objectives. The realization of these objectives would not be possible without the cooperation of partner municipalities.
Project Director Mr. Valentin Hoxha, in his speech before the Mayors and Deputy Mayors, Municipal Officials and the participants, expressed gratitude to the partner municipalities for the cooperation so far and emphasized the great importance of the support provided to citizens.
During this event, contracts were signed with 44 women beneficiaries, within the Call for Grants: “Women in Business” and discussed further cooperation between beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders of our Project.
The conference was attended by 70 people.
Dana 26. maja 2022. godine održana je godišnja konferencija projekta „Dalja stabilizacija manjinskih i većinskih zajednica na Kosovu kroz povećanu socio-ekonomsku podršku”.
Svrha ove konferencije je bila predstavljanje dostignuća Projekta, koji je realizovala Fondacija za održivi ekonomski razvoj – PREDA Plus Kosovo u partnerstvu sa WEntrepreneur Kosovo i uz podršku Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB. Ovaj projekat je počeo 1. novembra 2020. i završava se 31. decembra 2022. godine, a finansira ga Nemačko Savezno Ministarstvo za Ekonomsku Saradnju i Razvoj.
Projekat je uspeo da na vreme i uspešno sprovede aktivnosti koje su omogućile ispunjenje planiranih ciljeva. Realizacija ovih ciljeva ne bi bila moguća bez saradnje partnerskih opština.
Direktor projekta, g-din Valentin Hokha, u svom govoru pred gradonačelnicima i zamenicima gradonačelnika, opštinskim zvaničnicima i učesnicima, izrazio je zahvalnost partnerskim opštinama na dosadašnjoj saradnji i istakao veliki značaj podrške pružene građanima.
Tokom ovog događaja potpisani su ugovori sa 44 korisnice, u okviru Poziva za grantove: „Žene u biznisu“ i razgovaralo se o daljoj saradnji između korisnika, partnera i zainteresovanih strana našeg Projekta.
U konferenciji je prisustvovalo 70 ljudi.