
“WEntrepreneur” is a Non-Profit and a Non-Governmental Organization, formally registered in April 2014, in accordance with the Law on Freedom of Association in NGOs in Kosovo – 04 / L-57.  Since then, has actively campaigned for the competence and capacity building of women entrepreneurs in Kosovo. WEntrepreneur has implemented various initiatives to support business start-ups by women.

WEntrepreneur’s area of expertise is closely related to: women in business; young entrepreneurs; Education and training; and human resource management. The target groups of WEntrepreneur are  women and young people, but also other civil society organizations that strive to improve the lives of these groups. The main expertise of Wentrepreneur is the development of competencies.

WEntrepreneur has experience in the organization and implementation of capacity building activities. So far, has mainly carried out its activities in Kosovo, with a few engagements in Albania and North Macedonia.

Wentrepreneur’s mission is to become a business resource hub for women who are interested in establishing and running their business.

Since 2014, ASB has worked closely with WEntrepreneur to build women’s capacities and support their entrepreneurial ideas. The cooperation took place within the framework of projects in which micro-trades were funded, financed with funds from the Federal Foreign Office.

The previous constructive cooperation as well as the expertise of PREDA Plus in the field of sustainable economic development and WEntrepreneur in building entrepreneurial skills of and young people, as well as the trusting cooperation in the past speak in favor of the cooperation.

Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB, Office in Kosovo has been granted funds from German Foreign Ministry in order to contribute to post-conflict stabilisation through socio-economic assistance for socially disadvantaged majority and minority populations groups, thus promoting peaceful and constructive co-habitat among various ethnic groups in Kosovo

More specifically, its objective is to assist 55 socially vulnerable Albanian, Serbian and other minority families in 4 targeted municipalities: Graçanicë, Lipjan, Malishevë and  Obiliq i through capacity building in start-up or development of micro businesses, provision of grant-based economic packages for job creation and promotion of public/private partnership for the benefit of socially disadvantaged families with regards to employment opportunities.


In order to address the issue of building the capacities of start-up owners, ASB has contracted “WEntrepreneur”, which has a proven experience in this field.

“WEntrepreneur” has been tasked to provide training for 55 project beneficiarie in developing business ideas, sustainability of these, analysis of current market needs and finally, development of tailor-made business plans for each participant.

For this purpose, “WEntrepreneur” has engaged 3 trainers with a verified track-record of conducting similar trainings with start-up owners.

A total of 55 individuals from Municipality, 11 from Graqanicë/ Gračanica, 19 from Obiliq/Obilić, 15 from Lipjan/ Lipljan and 10 from Malishevë/ Mališevo participated in this training.

Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB, Office in Kosovo has been granted funds from German Foreign Ministry in order to contribute to post-conflict stabilisation through socio-economic assistance for socially disadvantaged majority and minority populations groups, thus promoting peaceful and constructive co-habitat among various ethnic groups in Kosovo

More specifically, its objective is to assist 55 socially vulnerable Albanian, Serbian and other minority families in 4 targeted municipalities: Obiliq, Gračanica Klinë and Istog, through capacity building in start-up or development of micro businesses, provision of grant-based economic packages for job creation and promotion of public/private partnership for the benefit of socially disadvantaged families with regards to employment opportunities.


In order to address the issue of building the capacities of start-up owners, ASB has contracted “WEntrepreneur”, which has a proven experience in this field.

“WEntrepreneur” has been tasked to provide training for 55 project beneficiarie in developing business ideas, sustainability of these, analysis of current market needs and finally, development of tailor-made business plans for each participant.

For this purpose, “WEntrepreneur” has engaged trainers with a verified track-record of conducting similar trainings with start-up owners.

A total of 50 individuals from Municipality, 21 from Obiliq/Obilić, 9 Graqanicë/ Gračanica, 15 from Klinë/Klina, 10 from Istog/Istok, 10 from Kamenicë/ Kamenica and 20 from Vushtrri/ Vucitrn participated in this training.


Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB, Office in Kosovo has been granted funds from German Foreign Ministry in order to contribute to post-conflict stabilisation through socio-economic assistance for socially disadvantaged majority and minority populations groups, thus promoting peaceful and constructive co-habitat among various ethnic groups in Kosovo

More specifically, its objective is to assist 55 socially vulnerable Albanian, Serbian and other minority families in 4 targeted municipalities: Klinë, Istog, Kamenicaë and Vushtrri through capacity building in start-up or development of micro businesses, provision of grant-based economic packages for job creation and promotion of public/private partnership for the benefit of socially disadvantaged families with regards to employment opportunities.


In order to address the issue of building the capacities of start-up owners, ASB has contracted “WEntrepreneur”, which has a proven experience in this field.

“WEntrepreneur” has been tasked to provide training for 50 project beneficiarie in developing business ideas, sustainability of these, analysis of current market needs and finally, development of tailor-made business plans for each participant.

For this purpose, “WEntrepreneur” has engaged trainers with a verified track-record of conducting similar trainings with start-up owners.

A total of 50 individuals from Municipality, 10 from Klinë/Klina, 10 from Istog/Istok, 10 from Kamenicë/ Kamenica and 20 from Vushtrri/ Vucitrn participated in this training.